Huazong Studio | 花总工作室

Huazong Studio | 花总工作室


Mr. Wu Dong, better known by his screen name of Huazong, or "Boss Hua", has become an iconic figure on Chinese social media for over a decade. He has been selected as a case study for the national university textbook "History of Chinese Journalism and Communication".

Huazong has launched a number of social media campaigns that have had a wide impact both at home and abroad. The activities have safeguarded the public interest and promoted social progress. (At the end of the page is a selection of his works and activities in the global press coverage.)

Huazong is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker whose "Mask Hunter" has over 110 million viewers. His works have received multiple awards and have been shortlisted three times for the China Academy Awards of Documentary Film.

In 2011, Huazong was in the "100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics" by the Ethisphere Institute and in 2012 he was named one of the "50 People of the Year" by Bloomberg Businessweek Chinese Edition. In 2019 he was awarded the first "Woodpecker Award" by the China Consumers Association.

花总(花总丢了金箍棒),本名吴东,他被载入普通高等教育国家级规划教材 《中国新闻传播史》。


自2012年起,花总与《南方周末》、《新京报》等媒体共同调查“世界奢侈品协会”黑幕,促成民政部取缔“离岸社团”、“山寨社团”。相关案件入选 “2015年中国十大影响性诉讼”,被载入最高人民法院院长周强在十二届全国人大四次会议上作的工作报告。


2018年他赴朝鲜采访,《平壤结界》阅读量逾千万。同年底发布短片 《杯子的秘密》曝光五星级酒店卫生乱象,促成文旅部开展行业整顿。



花总是2011年 《经济观察报》“年终特刊人物”。2012年入选《商业周刊/中文版》“年度50人”,获评《新周刊》“年度知道分子”,入选财新网“十大思享家”、Ethisphere Institute“商业道德最具影响力100人”。2013年被《新京报》评为“中国青年励志榜样”。

他曾入选新榜 “2015最具影响力网络名人200强”、“2018新媒体百大人物”。2019年被中国消费者协会授予首届“啄木鸟奖”,被第二十届中国视频榜评为“年度自媒体”。2021年获评“微博年度最具影响力连麦大V”。2022年被中国互联网协会和中国商业联合会共同授予“中国好主播年度大V”。2023年获评“微博直播十大连麦博主”。2025年被第五届新内容探索者大会评为“年度新内容探索者”。


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